Conditional salvation. You might ask what does that mean? It very simple means that God saves based upon a condition. The vital question to ask yourself is on what condition does God save? If you look outside of Christianity, you will see a wide array of conditions that man must complete to be rewarded with the degree of salvation that religion promises. Paul’s goal in Romans is to show us the condition that saves. Within Christianity you have two sides. You have those who preach that God saves based upon a condition that He performed in Christ, and you have those who preach salvation based upon a condition that is outside of Christ. Some say you cannot be saved unless you ____. Some will preach this as a condition that God does in a sinner. This would be the role of faith to some. God has saved based upon the condition that He put faith in the sinner. Salvation is therefore due to the faith that was in that sinner. I do not see any mention of the work of Christ in that statement. Paul argues that salvation was conditioned on the work of Christ and Him alone. Man is not part of the equation whatsoever other than to be the recipient of so great a salvation. The condition was the obedience unto death of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is finished, the trial is over. All that is left for you and me is the revelation of the meritorious work of Christ on our behalf. That revelation comes to us by the Spirit of God. It is the revelation that God is satisfied in another. Because He is satisfied in our representative, He is satisfied in us.